Thursday, May 27, 2010

Que Sera Sera seems so blase

Gettin' organized to finish up my case with my March injury.

Got all the main records and X-rays two days ago, and now need to tie up all the loose ends.

This will require:

Obtaining a receipt from my accupuncturist, goin' back to St. Mary Phillipa clinic and SF Gen and gettin' all trivial receipts, ie ER and Urgent Care visits.

Need to get to my storage unit for many reasons, but for the most part, to organize it, and then bring home my white table for the sake of organizing all my evidence for the case.

Trying to figure out if a notebook or file system works best.....

On a lighter-side, so excited about day with Joe and Zane tommorow, Friday.

Some cool plans for Saturday, let's see what will pan out. Need to calendar and journal to prioritize...