Friday, July 24, 2009


I just arrived home about 12am, and I am once again confronted, to put it mildly, with my clutter.

I think I am going to start a clutter support group, and that is only half in jest....

Babysteps right? But sometimes babysteps go too slow :)

Well, all good intentions have been nullified by the distraction of the internet.

So, goodnight blog-land, and goodnight moon....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is hard to get organized when your head is constantly spinning. Sometimes a person can feel like someone turned on the spin cycle and walked away.

I have realized that I have had people in my life in the past that i thought were much stronger than me, they were not that strong at all and I put too much expectation on them and when they didn't act or do what I wanted them to, I cut them off.


Like your posts.
The way you create words into meanings is very creative. =)

You remind me of Kierkegaard.