Thursday, March 25, 2010

food is good

Besides having a fractured rib and all the lovely benefits that come with it...... is good!

Got my laundry rollin', finally returning to eating healthy, and eating for that matter.....

Realizing a lot about relationships these days, especially after the incident.

My back is all funkified, I'll have to write again later.....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dashboard Confessional

Ooh, it's Thursday, a glorious morning, I'm at starbucks in the Marina, and I love it here!

Seeing the interactions going on throughout the morning, seeing the trainers and staff from 24-hour fitness next door, and just watching people taking part in their coffee ritual.

My fractured rib pain impeded any attempts to continue sleeping this morning, so, for the second morning in a row I am up at 7am. Usually I sleep in until 8 or so....

Feelin' like an old lady, I towed my little Container Store wire cart with my old laptop down 3 blocks to the Starbucks.

I yelped, replied to emails, and I'm about to leave to the Verizon Store nearby.
I didn't properly put the cap back on Joe's waterbottle in his backpack yesterday, and I put my cellphone in the same pocket.

I am on Hydrocodone, I think I am saying this wrong. Anyways, I took 2 for the pain this morning, and it took awhile to kick in, but I can really feel it. Makes me a bit spacey, a bit extra alert, I can think of words faster when I write....

People have told me to be careful when I stop. IE, tapering off....
I wonder how long the pain will last. When I wake up in the morning, and at the end of the day, that's when it hurts the most.

First acupuncture treatment in my life this afternoon.

Have to go get the police report, I guess I have to go to city hall.

Need to cancel my gym membership for a month. Maybe I will get into walking a lot, ie Ft Mason and onto North Beach.

Life is good :)